Monday, October 17, 2011

Sometimes, it's just not in the cards.

I tried. Really, I did. Several attempts later, this video is the result. Albeit, amusing, it still doesn't express the progress that I am making. But, I guess, that can be saved for when I have a moment to sit for an hour without being interrupted. Ha! Yeah, right. Well, I'll just keep trying. Anyway, I hope to, at least, give you a chuckle.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Mama Vlog - Episode 5

My home has undergone a change. A serious change. When we walk in from being out all day, it invites us in like never before. It's tidy, relaxed, and a perfect place to play, eat, relax, visit, etc. That is not to say it is completely perfect. There are things that I want to continue to address over the next year while reading this book.

I have been lucky enough to be in communication with the author, Regina Leeds, who has given me some insight into the process. She told me "Don't overwhelm yourself. Rome wasn't built in a day!" She is exactly right. This is a perfect opportunity for me to exercise patience and trust in a process of self-improvement and self-discovery.

I don't know why, now, at this moment in my life, I am ready to embrace this new attitude and start developing more efficient habits. I think, perhaps, it has in part to do with the looming reality of bad weather we are so lucky to be blessed with this time of year in the Great Northwest. And the experience of a couple of long winters with two small children under my belt. This, alone, is enough motivation to make sure being in our home for long periods of time is comfortable and enriching for everyone.

I am not a religious person but I am aware of the patterns that life can seem to present. And it is difficult to not chock it up to a higher power. Or a positive energy that has a plan for all of us. Whether it is an evolutionary predisposition for a certain path or a direction in life that is created by our own self-fullfilled destinies, I do believe that things happen for a reason and life has a way of reminding me I'm on the right path.

Last Friday, I got a call from my daughter's violin teacher who also happens to be the director of the local youth symphony here in Snoqualmie Valley. She offered me a once-a-week position as a coach to a handful of her advanced musicians. It doesn't pay much. But it pays!!! And it pays for something I LOVE. I don't think this was coincidence. I believe that the universe has noticed that I'm making a concerted effort to make some improvements in my life that positively effect my entire family and I believe this was a reward for my good behavior!

I feel me and my family are beginning a new chapter in our life. A chapter of peace, friends, blessings, and continual life learning and this is a gift that I most humbly accept.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thank you, Regina Leeds!

I couldn't wait to post another video. I've been driving everyone crazy with my evangelism of this amazing book, One Year to an Organized Life. In the few weeks I have been reading it, I have had epiphany after epiphany about things in my life that have needed only simple changes. It is so hard scheduling your life practically and efficiently around having children to take care of. At least for me.

One thing that I have changed is my morning routine. I wouldn't say I even changed my existing routine because there wasn't one before!!! Previously, I found myself scrambling to get myself and the kids ready for their various activities and everyone winds up stressed. I wondered why my son would melt down every time we had to go anywhere. It was because of ME. Since making this confession to myself, I have turned over a new leaf. And everyone is benefiting from it.

I set my outfit for the day out the night before. Instead of sitting on my computer while the kids watch their morning shows, I am getting dressed and putting my make up on so by the time their couple of shows are over, I am ready for anything! This is a breath of fresh air. It's a relief. Even my practical, organized, mildly OCD husband said to me last night (and I quote), "Baby, you really are doing a good job!" Wow, that felt good. Phew. This is exactly the kind of change we needed. And it began with me!

This quote continues to resonate with me and can be applied to anything: There is a place for everything and everything belongs in its place.


Monday, October 3, 2011

Mama Vlog - Episode 3

Organization officially underway! I have completed so much, it feels, in the past week and a half. My son's room is nearly PERFECT and my daughter's is well on its way. It feels so good! If you haven't read this book, I highly recommend it. Once again, it's called "One Year to an Organized Life" and in only the first two weeks, it has already had a drastic impact on my home and my psyche. It's available on iBooks (I downloaded it to my iPad) and you can get it in hardcopy at any bookstore...I even saw it at FedEx Kinkos! I'm hooked. I might even start a group!

Mama Vlog - Episode 2

Okay, I'm a little behind on the posting. Already. And it's only week two. Well, actually, I took this video last Monday, three days after my first one. I decided I would do them every Monday morning at about the same time. Or whenever I feel inclined!

In this episode, I'm feeling overwhelmed by some things on my to-do list. Although, I'm pretty good at maintaining a calm, cool, collected exterior, no?? Haha. Well, whoever might be watching, hope you enjoy my journey!

Friday, September 23, 2011

First Video Post Ever.

It has literally been years since I have posted to this blog. I have so many distractions *ahem* responsibilities but it has suddenly become pertinent for me to consolidate all of myself into one spot. So, over the next few weeks, when I have time (when will that be??), I will begin to update this blog to encompass all that I have created both online and off. I confess, it will not be pretty, organized, or even make any sense to you. However, it might be mildly entertaining as I try to get my erratic thoughts and ideas down in writing or in videos. Where one day you may find I am processing photos for a senior portrait session, the next I may be up-cycling an old leather jacket into jewelry. You just never know with me. I am very difficult to keep track of. So, my apologies in advance!