Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Kept: Top 10 Signs You're a Spoiled SAHM

Okay, so we all know it is very challenging to be a mother. And a wife. And both combined. Not to mention the countless other hats we wear under the umbrella of those two titles. But when I really think about my mother/wife life, I realize how spoiled I actually am.

Don't get me wrong. We deserve it! After carrying a baby for nine months then enduring the blood/sweat/tears to help baby make the journey into the outside world, which I often liken to forcing a watermelon through a garden hose, for those husbands who might be reading who require a bit more descriptive of an illustration to truly understand the magnanimity of bringing another human being into the world. Okay, now that THAT is on the table, here is my list, which I admit, is directly influenced by my own life:

10. You have time to write Top 10 lists.
9. You get regular pedicures.
8. The woman who does your pedicures is a Peruvian lady named Lucy.
7. Your engagement ring offers your baby hours of entertainment.
6. While the DB's on your diaper bag actually stand for Dooney & Bourke, you find it amusing to tell people they also stand for "diaper bag".
5. Your husband surprises you with subscriptions to magazines he knows you like.
4. Your husband brings you your baby in bed in the morning after changing her diaper.
3. Your husband tells you that while you may think breastfeeding has completely changed your boobs, he still thinks they are perfect.
2. Your husband makes you coffee in the morning.

And the number one sign you are a spoiled SAHM is...

1. Your husband works 12 hour days just so you can have the other 9 things I listed, and then some.

Here's to all of you dads/husbands that work hard for your families! We may bitch and moan and give you grief. But at the end of the day, it's you who allow us to be stay-at-home-moms!

Thank you.

We love you.

The End.